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ColourJet Printing is a recognized Rapid Prototyping process that provides quick turnaround for rigid demonstration models. The process includes jetted binders and composite materials along with coloured ink.
ColourJet printing is ideal for a range of applications such as; display models, concept pieces, 3D diagrammatic models.
ColourJet Printing Advantages 3D printing uses standard inkjet printing technology to create parts layer by layer by depositing a liquid binder onto thin layers of powder. Instead of feeding paper under the print heads like a 2D printer, a 3D Printing system moves the print heads over a bed of powder upon which it prints the cross-sectional data.
The powder is distributed accurately and evenly across the build platform by using a feed piston and platform, which rises incrementally for each layer. A roller mechanism spreads powder fed from the feed piston onto the build platform.
Once the layer of powder is spread, the inkjet print heads print the cross-sectional area for the first, or bottom slice of the part onto the smooth layer of powder, binding the powder together. A piston then lowers the build platform by 0.1 mm, and a new layer of powder is spread on top. The print heads apply the data for the next cross section onto the new layer, which binds itself to the previous layer. This 3D Printing process is repeated for all of the layers until the physical model is created.
WittyStore si occupa di prodotti emergenti con alto contenuto tecnologico. Operiamo in tutt'Italia.