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¡Productos cuidadosamente escogidos!
Professional 3D Printer
The ProJet 5000 offers a unique combination of size, precision and ease-of-use to make it the ideal choice for printing large and small durable hard plastic parts with superior feature quality and detail. This workhorse delivers over 80 hours of unattended operation using Multi-Jet Modeling technology.
With a net build volume of of 21.65 x 15.5 x 11.8 inches (550 x 393 x 300mm), the ProJet 5000 offers a large build size, 3 different print resolutions, and works with the VisitJet MX Build material, which delivers high durability and strength UV-curable acrylic plastic.
It enables improved design communication and a compressed design-to-manufacture cycle time to reduce time to market and boost final product quality.
Featuring the largest build size in 3D Systems’ line of high-definition MultiJet 3D printers, the ProJet 5000 professional printer is designed to deliver maximum productivity and absolute design freedom in the factory or office. A unique combination of size, precision and ease-of-use makes the ProJet 5000 ideal for consistent, high-resolution parts of all sizes. This high-throughput workhorse can even print two times faster using the high-speed mode.
Choose from 3D Systems’ line of VisiJet® M5 plastic materials, which includes high-elongation, durable plastic; high-strength PP-like black plastic; or stiff, brilliant white plastic with high-temperature resistance. Whatever your material choice, the ProJet 5000 has the unique ability to produce large or small injection molded-like plastic parts with superior feature quality and detail.
High throughput and micro-fine plastic parts
Gain time and productivity in rapid manufacturing and prototyping with the largest capacity, high-definition professional 3D printer. Profit from the largest build volume available to maximize your printing capabilities. Feel free to tackle other projects while the ProJet 5000 is at work; it can operate unattended for over 80 hours.
• Upgrade productivity – With the largest build size in its class, the ProJet 5000 prints bigger parts and more parts in high definition with the most affordable cost/build size ratio.
• Increase part quality – Produce parts with high precision, as well as remarkable micro-fine details, exceptional sidewall quality, unmatched surface smoothness, and sharp edges and corners.
• Choose the material that fits your requirements – The material selection includes stiff/white and tough/ black injection moulded-like plastic, and highly durable transparent plastic.
• Maximize productivity – With its high-throughput printhead and high-speed print mode, the ProJet 5000 creates parts up to two times faster.
• Optimize your time – Remote monitoring and control, unattended operation, and fast and easy hands- free postprocessing make the ProJet 5000 a time-saving addition to your workflow.
3D Printing Process: MJP
Build Material
VisiJet® M5 Black
The new line of VisiJet® M5 plastic materials includes clear, high-elongation, durable plastics; high-strength PP-like black plastic; and stiff, brilliant white plastic. VisiJet M5 Black is a strong, flexible material that makes sleek black parts. VisiJet M5 Black can be used to make functional parts for extended use and testing. With the ProJet 5000’s large build volume, large panels and housings can be printed with ease. The material’s flexibility allows for easy assembly and snap-fit applications. Its black color makes it ideal for electronics, plastic automotive components, and chic black appliances.
VisiJet® M5 MX
VisiJet M5 MX Plastic Materials - offer engineered plastic performance for durability and stability ideal for functional testing and rapid tooling applications. These materials also provide true plastic look and feel for a vast array of prototyping and end use applications.
VisiJet® M5-X
The new line of VisiJet® M5 plastic materials includes clear, high-elongation, durable plastics; high-strength PP-like black plastic; and stiff, brilliant white plastic. VisiJet M5-X is a strong, rigid material with a hybrid ABS/polypropylene-like performance-and-feel that makes brilliant white parts. This material makes bright white parts that look like they’ve been injection molded. Parts made from this material are rigid, making it an excellent fit for packaging products including bottles, household plastics, piping, valves and other parts that call for stiffness.
Support Material
VisiJet® S300
VisiJet S300 Support Material provides for hands-free, melt-away removal from even the most inaccessible geometry features and internal spaces with no damage to the most delicate part features.
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